Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ed.S in Teaching and Learning Program Objectives addressed by this assessment include:

1. Evaluates or plans school programs, teaching-learning strategies, curriculum, and student assessment strategies that support the physical, social, emotion, moral, and intellectual development of their students within cultural and social contexts. (TEP Standards 2, 3, 10; NBPTS Propositions 1, 2, 3)
6. Identifies, plans and evaluates instructional strategies, resources, curriculum, and programs that emphasize the use of a myriad of technologies to support learning, assess student learning, and enhance one’s own professional growth. (TEP Standard 6; NBPTS Proposition 3; ISTE Standards B, C)
12. Demonstrates competency in utilizing research findings to interpret, analyze, and improve instruction and school practice. (NBPTS Propositions 4, 5)
13. Selects and uses technology to access, generate, manipulate information and data, conduct research, communicate and solve problems. (TEP Standards 8, 9; NBPTS Propositions 4, 5; ISTE Standards A, B, C)
15. Demonstrates competency in reflection and problem solving in order to make decisions based on sound research evidence, knowledge of schools and community content knowledge, and ethical/professional standards. (TEP Standard 9; NBPTS Propositions 4, 5)

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